Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question? We've got answers. If you have some other questions, see our support center.

Why should I sign up for Early Access?

By joining our beta community, you get a unique opportunity to use the cutting-edge features of our platform, and shape its development by giving us feedback on your experience.

How much does it cost?

At the moment, FinalTouch is completely free for anyone to use. All we ask in return is your feedback, so we can keep making it even better. 

Are the photos I create copyright-free?

Yes! Everything you generate using FinalTouch is unique to you and copyright-free. You never need to worry about infringing on someone else’s IP.

Is the entire final image, including the scene, also unique?

Yes - FinalTouch will never generate the same scene twice. You can confidently use each and every photo or image you create, as your own.

Who is FinalTouch made for?

Any marketer, brand manager who needs to create beautiful scenes featuring their products: 

- Personal care 
- Household products 
- Health and beauty
- Pet products 
- Stationery and office supplies

It’s also the ideal solution for furniture, art creation, jewelry and home decor.

How can I report a bug?

We welcome all your feedback, both good and bad. If you find something that needs fixing or improving, please let us know.

How can I request a new feature?

We would love to hear your ideas! Let us know what you would like to see in an update.

Can I tell my friends about FinalTouch?

Of course! Tell your friends, colleagues and anyone else you feel would benefit from this product. The more people who use FinalTouch, the better it will get.

Where can I get answers to my questions?

Our team is here to help. Contact us and let us know how we can assist you.